Institutional Design Of Constitution

Concept Explanation

Institutional Design Of Constitution

Institutional Design Of Constitution: A Constitution embodies the values and philosophy into institutional arrangements. Most of the Indian Constitution details these arrangements. The Constitution describes the institutional arrangements in legal language.As the Constitution is a highly detailed document, it needs to be amended regularly to keep it up to date with the changing times. Those who drafted the Indian Constitution thought that it must be in accordance with people's aspirations and changes in society. So, the makers of the Constitution made a provision for making such amendments to the Constitution from timeto-tim changes are called Constitutional amendments. In Its sworking, there are three major aspects

(i) It lays down the procedure for choosing persons to govern the country, i.e. about elections.

(ii) It defines who will have how much power to take which decision, Le. distribution of power among the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.

(iii) It puts limits to what the government can do by providing some rights to the citizen that cannot be violated. These are called Fundamental Rights.

The Preamble: The preamble n the moduction of the constinution.

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute india into a SOVEREIGN, SOoCIALIST, SECULAR, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. and to secure to all its citizensJUSTICE Socal fconomic and PoliticalLIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faithand worshipEQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them allFRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of theIN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty sixth day of November, 1949, doHEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TOOURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Important Terms Used in PreambleThe important terms used in Preamble ave given below

  • We. the People of India The Constitution has been drawn up and enacted by the people of India through their representatives.
  •  Sovereign India is a free country and no external can dictate to the Government of India.
  • Socialist Wealth is generated socially and should be
  • Secular There is no official religion and all religions ar shared equally by society. treated with equal respect by the government.
  • Democratic We have adopted a form of government in which people elect their rulers and hold them accountable.
  • Republic The head of state is an elected not a hereditary position.
  • Justice The laws would not discriminate benwere citizens on the basis of caste, religion and gender. The government would work for the welfare of the poor ard oppressed so that social inequalities are reduced.
  • Liberty Citizens are free to express their opinions and there are no unreasonable restrictions on their liberty. person and it is
  • Equality All citizens are equal before the law, irrespective of differences in socio-economic conditions
  • Fraternity Each citizen should respect the feeling of brotherhood and no one should treat a fellow citizen a inferior.

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